Curriculum Vitae - Yongyan Chen

Usefullness of laction curve modelling.

Animal science

YongYan Chen


July 1, 2023

Who am I

Hi I am Yongyan Chen. I came from China and started my phd at December 2019. My research focus is on the usefulness of lactation curve modelling.

What project I am working on

There are four chapters in my phd thesis:

  • A procedure to develop annual herd level lactation curve characteristics from individual cow level data for Dutch dairy farms
  • An empirical analysis of economic herd performance in relation to herd lactation curve characteristics
  • Prediction of persistency at day 305 in lactation at the moment of the insemination decision
  • Association between pregnancy stage and lactation persistency in dairy cattle

Publications finished

PhD thesis

PhD Chen YongYan

Scholarly publications

Chen, Y., M. Hostens, M. Nielen, J. Ehrlich, and W. Steeneveld. 2022c. Herd level economic comparison between the shape of the lactation curve and 305 d milk production. Front. Vet. Sci. 9. doi:10.3389/fvets.2022.997962.

Conference proceedings and posters

Chen, Y., M. Hostens, M. Nielen, J. Ehrlich, and W. Steeneveld. 2021. An Empirical Analysis on the Association between Persistency of Dairy Cows and Economic Herd Performance. Page 72 in Isessah.

Chen, Y., M. Hostens, M. Nielen, J. Ehrlich, and W. Steeneveld. 2022a. An empirical analysis of economic herd performance in relation to herd lactation curve characteristics. Page 35 in Dair’Innov congress 2022.

Chen, Y., M. Hostens, M. Nielen, J. Ehrlich, and W. Steeneveld. 2022b. An empirical analysis of economic herd performance in relation to herd lactation curve characteristics. Pages 728–736 in European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming & International Conference on Precision Dairy Farming 2022.